How to Keep Ice Cream Frozen in a Cooler like a Pro? Tips from Experts

Going camping is a great experience, but while packing up all the essential supplies like food and beverages it can be easy to forget one of the most important items: ice cream! Not only is it a delicious treat to enjoy under the stars, but it adds an extra level of fun when camping with friends or family.

However, keeping your ice cream frozen until you’re ready to indulge in this icy treat may seem challenging if you don’t have access to electricity for a freezer.

But not to worry! In this blog post, we will uncover some tips on how to keep ice cream frozen in a cooler so that you can share delicious memories around the campfire with loved ones.

So grab your cooler and let’s get started!

1. Why ice cream melts in your cooler despite being surrounded by ice?

The first reason is that ice cream is made with a lower melting temperature than water. This means that the ice cream will start to melt before the ice.

Another reason that might be at play is that if your cooler is not sealed properly, then warm air will enter into it and cause the temperature to rise, thus melting your ice cream much quicker.

ice cream

Third, if the ice cubes you are using to keep your ice cream cool are not big enough then they won’t be able to absorb and store the cold temperatures for a long time. This means that they will quickly melt and in turn, make the temperature around your ice cream warm again.

Finally, the poor quality of your cooler could be a possible reason for your ice cream melting, even if the cooler is full of ice. The standard white, styrofoam coolers are popular due to their affordability, lightweight, and portability. However, they can only keep your snacks cold for an hour or two at most due to their flimsy construction.

2. How to Keep Ice Cream Frozen in a Cooler like a Pro?

Keeping your ice cream from melting in a cooler can make or break a beach day or family picnic. So here are some ways to keep ice cream frozen in a cooler. Check them out now:

2.1. Use A High-Quality Cooler

Not all coolers are the same, despite what some stores may tell you. The type of insulation used in production is an important factor.

A high-quality cooler will provide better insulation than a Styrofoam cooler, allowing you to keep your ice cream frozen for a longer period of time.

The RTIC 20 Can Soft Cooler is a great choice for anyone who wants to upgrade their cooler game. It offers high-quality insulation and is reasonably priced. It can keep your food cold for up to 24 hours! It is also a lightweight floating cooler with a LEAK-PROOF WITH ZIPPER feature.

If you want a high-performing cooler that can keep your ice frozen and drinks cold for two to three days on an overnight trip, then the YETI Roadie 24 is the way to go. Our insulation and ice retention tests showed that it outperformed other 20-quart hard coolers.

2.2. Using regular Ice

What you need to prepare:

  • Water and a Freezer: They are the most important ingredient to make ice.
  • Baking pans: If you want to make superior ice blocks rather than using store-bought crushed ice, you can use baking pans to make your own ice blocks.
  • Towel: Once you prepare your cooler properly, you can dip towels in water and wrap them around the cooler for a final touch.
  • Aluminum foil: Aluminum foil acts as a barrier to oxygen and air, which transfer heat to frozen or refrigerated food, thereby helping to maintain the temperature of the food, whether it is warm or cold.

It’s possible that you already have these products at home, and using them could significantly increase the lifespan of your cooler treats.

ice cube to keep a cooler cold
You can make regular ice at home by DIY methods.

Even if you don’t have all of them, you can still benefit from trying out one or two of these DIY techniques.

Also, keep in mind that you can use baking sheets or casserole dishes instead of baking pans, and any old towels you have will suffice.

2.3. How to keep ice cream frozen in a cooler with regular ice? Step-by-step guide

Step 1: Make ice blocks by using a freezer

If you have an old brownie pan, you can use it to make a great ice block for your cooler. Just fill it with water and freeze it for at least 6 hours before using it.

This type of ice will melt much more slowly than crushed ice.

Step 2: Lining the Cooler

Here’s a little-known tip that not many people know about (shh!).

Did you know that aluminum foil doesn’t give off heat? It has an emissivity of 0.04. This is useful for those moments when you have a family member who likes to take their time choosing a drink from the cooler, leaving it open for a while.

By lining the inside of your cooler with aluminum foil, you can protect your drinks from the sun’s heat while your cousin John searches for his favorite citrus drink.

Step 3: Proper Preparation

Do you remember playing Tetris as a kid? Well, those skills will come in handy now. Here’s how to pack your cooler:

  • First, place the ice blocks at the bottom to prevent them from melting too quickly.
  • Next, put the ice-cold drinks and ice cream on top of the ice blocks. These will stay cold for hours.
  • Add one layer of crushed ice on top of the drinks and ice cream.
  • Then, place chilled snacks like sandwiches, yogurt, and fruit on top of the first layer of ice.
  • Add another layer of crushed ice on top of the chilled snacks.
  • Finally, put lukewarm snacks like gummy bears, packaged cookies, and chocolate on the very top.
  • Once you’ve packed everything, gently wet one towel with water and wrap it around the entire cooler.

Other useful Tips to remember:

Use rock salt: You can also add a layer of rock salt to slow down the melting process of ice. This is because rock salt has the property of reducing the melting rate of ice.

Historically, people used rock salt to make traditional ice cream. Simply sprinkle a handful or two of rock salt directly onto the ice.

use rock salt to keep ice cream frozen in cooler
Rock salt can keep your ice cream last longer in a cooler.

Keep your cooler stay away from direct sunlight: If you’re in a sunny area, it’s best to avoid leaving your cooler in direct sunlight. If shade is not available, you can try placing the cooler behind a chair or under an umbrella to keep it cool.

Keep your cooler in a shade area
Keep your cooler away from direct light.

Keep your cooler shut as much as possible: To prevent the ice from melting quickly, try not to open the cooler frequently. It’s a good idea to have a separate cooler for drinks since people tend to grab them more often.

Make sure there is no empty space in your cooler: To prevent the ice in your cooler from melting too quickly, make sure to fill any gaps with additional items, such as towels.

How to keep ice cream frozen in a cooler
Packing your cooler to its fullest to prevent ice cream from melting.

3. Using dry ice to keep ice frozen longer in a cooler

Similar to how you would with ice, place your ice cream bowls at the bottom of the cooler. Dry ice on top of your ice cream dishes would make them perform more effectively. If you have enough, add more on top and additional below the ice cream.

However, take care when covering the dry ice with towels. If exposed, it degrades more quickly.

If you’re using dry ice, it would be preferable to have a second cooler to keep your beverages and other items that need regular ice. Dry ice has the ability to freeze anything. Furthermore, you wouldn’t want to be forced to wait a long time before opening the can and enjoying your beverage.

* Since the temperature is so low, touching dry ice could cause frostbite and cause skin burns. When loading or unloading the cooler, use safety gloves to prevent contact between your skin and the ice.

3.1. Select a cooler with insulation and an air vent

When selecting a cooler for storing dry ice, it’s important to choose one that is insulated and has an air vent or valve. This will allow any gas produced by the dry ice to escape and prevent pressure from building up inside the cooler.

If your cooler doesn’t have a vent, you can leave the top slightly open. Plastic and styrofoam coolers are both appropriate options for storing dry ice.

Some great options to purchase are:

3.2. Purchase 10-20 pounds (4.5-9.1 kg) of ice to fill a 40-quart (38 L) ice chest

To fill a 40-quart (38-L) ice chest, you should buy around 10-20 pounds (4.5-9.1 kg) of dry ice.

Dry ice can be purchased at most grocery stores for $1.00-$3.00 USD per pound (0.45kg). It evaporates at a rate of 5-10 pounds (2.3-4.5 kg) per day, so buying it too far in advance may not leave enough for your use.

Dry ice typically comes in 10 by 2 inches (25.4 cm x 5.1 cm) squares that weigh approximately 10 pounds (4.5 kg). You will need one square for every 15 inches (38 cm) of cooler length.

If you want to make your own dry ice, you can do so by spraying a CO2 fire extinguisher into a pillowcase for 2-3 seconds. However, ensure that you wear protective gear such as gloves and closed-toe shoes if you attempt this.

3.3. Use thick gloves to handle dry ice

It is important to handle dry ice using thick gloves. Even though dry ice is extremely cold, at temperatures of −109 °F (−78 °C), it can cause severe frostbite instead of burns.

Therefore, avoid touching dry ice blocks with bare skin when retrieving ice cream from the cooler.

Watch the below video to see more details:

3.4. Place your ice cream on the bottom of the cooler

When packing a cooler with dry ice, it’s important to place the most perishable items on the bottom (closest to the dry ice) and gradually stack those that require less cooling near the top.

Start by placing your containers of ice cream on the bottom of the cooler first, directly on top of the dry ice. This will help to keep the ice cream as cold as possible.

3.5. Keep in a cool, dry, and dark place

When storing your cooler with dry ice, it’s important to keep it in a cool, dry, and dark place.

This is because when exposed to light for an extended period of time, dry ice can evaporate faster. Therefore, it’s best to store your cooler in a cool basement or garage.

If you’re planning on taking the cooler on a camping trip, cover it with blankets or towels to prevent light from entering.

3.6. Wrap the dry ice in a towel before placing it inside

Wrap your dry ice in a towel and place it in the cooler. This will help to insulate the block of ice from the air inside the cooler, keeping it colder for longer.

Make sure not to cover or close off any air vents as this can cause pressure to build up inside the cooler.

Doing this method will also prevent anything in your cooler from being destroyed by the dry ice.

3.7. Store drinks and beverages in a different cooler

Dry ice is so cold that it can quickly freeze anything in the same cooler. To prevent this, store drinks and other snacks in a separate cooler (or container). This way, you will be able to access them without having to worry about them freezing over.

This is also good for keeping the life of your dry ice longer.

Additionally, most drinks need to be kept at a much warmer temperature than food items that require dry ice storage, so it’s important to keep them in a different container.

3.8. Make sure there is no empty space in your cooler

Similar to using regular ice, it’s important to fill up all of the extra space in your cooler with items like ice packs or jugs of water, towels, or crumpled-up newspaper. This will help insulate the dry ice and keep it colder for longer.

Additionally, if you have large items that need to be kept cold, such as a frozen turkey or a birthday cake, make sure they are sealed in airtight containers and placed on top of the dry ice. This will help keep them from coming into direct contact with the dry ice, which could damage them or cause them to freeze.

3.9. Keep your cooler in the trunk

If you’re planning on taking your ice cream on the road, it’s best to store your cooler with dry ice in the trunk of your car. This will help keep it away from direct sunlight and prevent the dry ice from evaporating too quickly.

Another reason is that when dry ice evaporates, it changes into carbon dioxide. If you have it in a small, enclosed space such as a vehicle, an excessive amount of carbon dioxide can build up and cause you to feel lightheaded and even lose consciousness. To prevent this, you should keep your cooler in the trunk.

In case you don’t have enough space in the trunk, remember to lower your windows or use your car’s air conditioner to bring in fresh air from outside.

3.10. After you’re done using the dry ice, please keep it at room temperature

After using dry ice, leave it at room temperature in a well-ventilated area. The dry ice will naturally convert to carbon dioxide and dissipate into the air over time.

Caution: Do not dispose of it in a sink, sewer, toilet, or garbage disposal as it can damage pipes or potentially cause an explosion if it expands too quickly.

See more:

3.11. A Few Important Considerations When Using Dry Ice

  • To prolong the longevity of dry ice within the cooler, ensconce it with a cloth or towel. This clever tactic not only preserves the frigidity of the dry ice but also acts as a buffer, shielding the contents of the cooler from the extreme temperatures emanating from the dry ice.
  • When it comes to keeping beverages and snacks chilled without freezing them, it’s advisable to employ a separate cooler—one that doesn’t freeze its contents. Placing items atop dry ice is a surefire way to rapidly freeze them, which might not be ideal for drinks and snacks. Thus, a distinct cooler for these items ensures the dry ice endures longer while keeping your drinks and snacks at the desired temperature.
  • Should your cooler possess ample empty space, bear in mind that this can hasten the melting of dry ice. If your food and belongings aren’t enough to fill the cooler adequately, you can employ conventional ice fillers such as crumpled newspapers, towels, or even additional ice cream containers to occupy the void.
  • While traveling, the vehicle’s trunk is the optimal location for your cooler. Dry ice transforms into carbon dioxide as it sublimates. In confined spaces like a car, the accumulation of carbon dioxide may induce dizziness or fainting. If trunk space isn’t available, ensure adequate ventilation through open windows or the use of air conditioning to facilitate the circulation of fresh outdoor air.
  • Once your use of dry ice concludes, allow it to return to room temperature. Disposing of dry ice is effortless, as it dissipates into carbon dioxide when exposed to oxygen, vanishing into the atmosphere.
  • Dispose of dry ice responsibly; never flush it down toilets or sinks. Rapid expansion of dry ice can exert substantial pressure on pipes, potentially leading to ruptures or even explosions.
  • When organizing your cooler, it’s most effective to place your ice cream at the bottom. Dry ice functions optimally when positioned atop the items it’s intended to chill. Cold air naturally descends, enhancing the efficiency of cooling. If feasible, stacking your dry ice on top of other items in the cooler is a recommended practice.
  • Opt for a portable cooler equipped with a ventilated lid when using dry ice. Since dry ice emits gasses, the cooler must allow for proper ventilation. An airtight seal on the cooler could lead to pressure buildup from vapor, potentially causing an explosion.
  • While it’s conceivable to create dry ice at home using a CO2 fire extinguisher and a cloth, this undertaking is inherently hazardous. It’s advisable to purchase dry ice from a store, as it’s a safer and more reliable option.

4. Best Coolers To Keep Ice Cream Frozen 

Due to their superior insulating capabilities, some coolers are more efficient at keeping ice cream frozen. These consist of:

4.1. YETI Roadie 24 Cooler 

yeti roadie 24 cooler
Yeti Roadie 24 cooler

The numerous sizes of YETI Hard Coolers are available to fit any trip and are long-lasting.

Long vehicle trips are made much more bearable with the new and improved Roadie 24 Hard Cooler, industry-leading thermal performance from the YETI V Series Stainless Steel Cooler, and the classic, nearly indestructible YETI Roadie 24 Cooler from the Tundra series.

Each of these sturdy coolers is made to survive the difficulties of rough camping without losing its capacity to keep ice cream frozen for days. The attributes of this cooler include:

4.1.1. Features

  • Rotomolded Construction: The YETI Roadie 24 is built with the same durable rotomolded construction as its predecessors, ensuring excellent resistance to wear and tear.
  • Permafrost™ Insulation: It features Permafrost™ insulation, offering superior ice retention, keeping your contents colder for longer.
  • Quicklatch™: The Quicklatch™ system ensures that the cooler stays securely closed and is easy to open when you need access.
  • Hitchpoint™ Grid: The cooler comes with a Hitchpoint™ Grid, which allows you to attach accessories like bottle openers, cup holders, or a dry goods basket.
  • No Sweat™ Design: YETI’s No Sweat™ Design prevents condensation on the outside of the cooler, keeping it dry and slip-free.
  • T-Rex™ Lid Latches: These heavy-duty rubber latches provide a secure and tight seal to keep the cold in and the heat out.

4.1.2. Specifications

  • Capacity: The Roadie 24 has a 24-quart (18.9 liters) capacity, making it suitable for holding up to 18 cans plus ice.
  • Exterior Dimensions: 17 1/2 in. × 16 1/2 in. × 15 1/4 in.
  • Interior Dimensions: 13 in. × 11 in. × 10 1/4 in.
  • Empty Weight: 12.8 lbs (5.8 kg)
  • Bear-Resistant: While it’s not officially certified bear-resistant, YETI coolers are known for their durability and ability to withstand encounters with curious wildlife.

4.1.3. Things we like:

  • Outstanding Insulation: YETI coolers are renowned for their insulation capabilities, and the Roadie 24 is no exception. It can keep your ice and contents cold for days.
  • Durable Construction: The rotomolded construction ensures that the cooler can handle rough handling and endure harsh conditions.
  • Compact Size: The Roadie 24 is relatively compact, making it ideal for trips, picnics, and outings where space might be limited.
  • Accessory Compatibility: The Hitchpoint™ Grid allows you to customize the cooler with various YETI accessories, enhancing its functionality.
  • No Sweat™ Design: The exterior remains dry, preventing any mess or slipping, even in humid conditions.

4.1.4. Things we don’t like

  • Price: YETI coolers are known for their quality, but they come at a premium price point compared to some other cooler brands.
  • Weight: While it’s not excessively heavy, the Roadie 24 might be a bit cumbersome when fully loaded for some users.
  • Lack of Wheels: Unlike some larger YETI coolers, the Roadie 24 doesn’t have wheels, which might make it less convenient to transport when fully loaded.
  • Limited Capacity: Due to its compact size, it might not be suitable for extended trips where you need to store a significant amount of food and beverages.

In summary, the YETI Roadie 24 Cooler is a highly durable and well-insulated cooler that excels in keeping your items cold for extended periods. However, its compact size, weight, and price point should be considered based on your specific needs and budget.

4.1.5. Editor’s Note

The Yeti Roadie 24 is a high-end hard cooler that is known for its excellent insulation and durability. It has a capacity of 24 quarts (22.7 liters), which is large enough to hold enough food and drinks for a day trip or a weekend getaway for two people.

It is made from rotomolded polyethylene, which is a very strong and durable material. It is also insulated with Yeti’s proprietary ColdLock Technology, which helps to keep the contents of the cooler cold for up to 3 days.

Moreover, this product has a number of features that make it a convenient and versatile cooler. It has a wide mouth opening for easy loading and unloading, and it also has a built-in drain plug for quick and easy draining. The cooler also has two carrying handles and a shoulder strap, making it easy to transport.

The Yeti Roadie 24 is a bit expensive, but it is a high-quality cooler that is built to last. It is a good choice for people who are looking for a cooler that will keep their food and drinks cold for extended periods of time.

4.1.6. FAQs

How long will ice stay cold in the Yeti Roadie 24 cooler?

The Yeti Roadie 24 cooler can keep ice cold for up to 3 days in ideal conditions. However, the actual ice retention time will vary depending on the outside temperature, how often the cooler is opened, and how much food and drinks are inside.

How many cans does the Yeti Roadie 24 cooler hold?

The Yeti Roadie 24 cooler can hold up to 33 cans of soda or beer. It can also hold up to 26 pounds of ice.

Can I sit on the Yeti Roadie 24 cooler?

Yes, you can sit on the Yeti Roadie 24 cooler. It is designed to withstand up to 300 pounds of weight.

How much does the Yeti Roadie 24 cooler weigh?

The Yeti Roadie 24 cooler weighs 24 pounds.

Is the Yeti Roadie 24 cooler waterproof?

No, it ín’t. The Yeti Roadie 24 cooler is not waterproof, but it is water-resistant. The cooler is made from rotomolded polyethylene, which is a very durable material that can withstand some water exposure. However, if the cooler is submerged in water, the contents will get wet.

4.2. Coleman Rolling Cooler | 50 Quart Xtreme 5 Day Cooler 

For the best insulation and convenience, use the Coleman 50 Quart Xtreme 5-Day Hard Cooler On Wheels. For a vacation to the beach or a football game, the tough wheels make it simple to move through difficult terrain.

coleman portable rolling cooler
50 Quart Xtreme 5 Day Cooler with Wheels

Your high-capacity cooler will enable you to cover the ice cream with considerably more ice to keep it chilled even longer because it can store up to 84 cans. The attributes of this cooler include:

4.2.1. Features

  • Xtreme Technology: The Xtreme series is designed for maximum ice retention, with extra insulation in the lid and walls to keep ice for up to 5 days in temperatures up to 90°F (32°C).
  • High Capacity: With a 50-quart (47.3 liters) capacity, it can hold up to 84 cans, making it suitable for large gatherings, camping trips, and outdoor events.
  • Wheeled Design: The built-in heavy-duty wheels and telescoping handle make it easy to transport even when fully loaded.
  • Lid Gasket: A gasket in the lid provides a tight seal, preventing warm air from entering and cold air from escaping.
  • Cup Holders: Integrated molded cup holders on the lid provide a convenient place to keep your drinks.
  • Have-a-Seat Lid: The lid is strong enough to support up to 250 pounds (113.4 kg), allowing it to double as a seat.
  • Leak-Resistant Drain: The channel drain is rust-resistant and leak-resistant, making it easy to empty excess water without tilting the cooler.

4.2.2. Specifications

  • Capacity: 50 quarts (47.3 liters)
  • Exterior Dimensions: 22.4 in. × 17.3 in. × 17.8 in.
  • Empty Weight: Approximately 15.6 lbs (7.1 kg)

4.2.3. Things we like:

  • Excellent Ice Retention: The Xtreme technology ensures that your ice stays frozen for an extended period, even in hot weather.
  • Large Capacity: With its 50-quart capacity, this cooler can hold plenty of food and drinks for a group.
  • Wheeled Design: The built-in wheels and telescoping handle make it easy to move, even over rough terrain.
  • Durable Construction: Coleman coolers are known for their durability and can withstand rough handling.
  • Multi-Functional Lid: The lid can be used as a seat, which is a handy feature for outdoor gatherings.

4.2.4. Things we don’t like:

  • Size and Weight: While the large capacity is an advantage, it can be challenging to transport when fully loaded, especially for one person.
  • Bulky Shape: The square shape of this cooler might make it more challenging to fit into some car trunks or storage spaces.
  • Limited Insulation Thickness: While it offers good ice retention, it may not match the extreme ice retention of some premium coolers.
  • No Divider: It doesn’t come with internal dividers, which can limit your ability to organize items inside.

In summary, the Coleman Rolling Cooler 50 Quart Xtreme 5 Day Cooler is a spacious and durable cooler designed for extended ice retention. Its wheeled design makes it relatively easy to transport, although its size and weight should be considered, especially when fully loaded.

It’s a suitable choice for outdoor events, camping trips, and gatherings where keeping items cold for an extended period is crucial.

4.2.5. Editor’s note

The Coleman Rolling Cooler | 50 Quart Xtreme 5 Day Cooler is a mid-range hard cooler that is known for its good ice retention and affordable price. It has a capacity of 50 quarts (47.3 liters), which is large enough to hold enough food and drinks for a day trip or a weekend getaway for a small group of people.

The cooler is made from rotomolded polyethylene, which is a durable material that can withstand some bumps and bruises. It is also insulated with Coleman’s Xtreme Technology, which helps to keep the contents of the cooler cold for up to 5 days in ideal conditions.

The cooler has a number of features that make it a convenient and versatile cooler. It has a wide mouth opening for easy loading and unloading, and it also has a built-in drain plug for quick and easy draining. The cooler also has two carrying handles and two wheels, making it easy to transport.

The Coleman Rolling Cooler | 50 Quart Xtreme 5 Day Cooler is a good choice for people who are looking for a durable and affordable cooler that will keep their food and drinks cold for extended periods of time. It is not the highest-end cooler on the market, but it offers good value for the price.

4.2.6. FAQs

How long will ice stay cold in the Coleman Rolling Cooler | 50 Quart Xtreme 5 Day Cooler?

The Coleman Rolling Cooler | 50 Quart Xtreme 5 Day Cooler can keep ice cold for up to 5 days in ideal conditions. However, the actual ice retention time will vary depending on the outside temperature, how often the cooler is opened, and how much food and drinks are inside.

How many cans does the Coleman Rolling Cooler | 50 Quart Xtreme 5 Day Cooler hold?

The Coleman Rolling Cooler | 50 Quart Xtreme 5 Day Cooler can hold up to 84 cans of soda or beer. It can also hold up to 42 pounds of ice.

Can I sit on the Coleman Rolling Cooler | 50 Quart Xtreme 5 Day Cooler?

Yes, you can sit on the Coleman Rolling Cooler | 50 Quart Xtreme 5 Day Cooler. It is designed to withstand up to 250 pounds of weight.

How much does the Coleman Rolling Cooler | 50 Quart Xtreme 5 Day Cooler Weight?

The Coleman Rolling Cooler | 50 Quart Xtreme 5 Day Cooler weighs 44 pounds.

Is the Coleman Rolling Cooler | 50 Quart Xtreme 5 Day Cooler waterproof?

The Coleman Rolling Cooler | 50 Quart Xtreme 5 Day Cooler is not waterproof, but it is water-resistant. The cooler is made from rotomolded polyethylene, which is a very durable material that can withstand some water exposure. However, if the cooler is submerged in water, the contents will get wet.

What is the difference between the Coleman Rolling Cooler | 50 Quart Xtreme 5 Day Cooler and the Coleman Xtreme 50 Quart Cooler?

The main difference between the Coleman Rolling Cooler | 50 Quart Xtreme 5 Day Cooler and the Coleman Xtreme 50 Quart Cooler is that the Rolling Cooler has wheels. The Xtreme Cooler does not have wheels, so it is more difficult to transport.

5. FAQs

5.1. How long does dry ice last in a cooler?

To give you a general idea, 10 pounds of dry ice can last for about 24 hours in a 25-quart cooler.

However, there are several factors that can affect this. You should also consider whether you are storing frozen or refrigerated food, the size of your cooler, the surrounding conditions, and how long you plan to store the items.

To make the dry ice last longer, it is advisable to keep the cooler in a shaded area, minimize opening it as much as possible, and add extra insulation during the daytime.

5.2. If I use dry ice, will the contents of the cooler remain frozen?

Yes, dry ice is very cold and can keep things frozen for an extended period of time. However, it’s important to remember that the amount of dry ice needed will depend on how much food or drinks you want to store in the cooler.

It’s also important to make sure to fill up all the extra space in your cooler with insulating materials like ice packs or jugs of water.

5.3. Can You Keep Popsicles Frozen In A Cooler?

Yes, popsicles can be kept frozen in a cooler with dry ice.

To keep your popsicles frozen for a longer time, place them at the bottom of your cooler and cover them with ice all the way to the top. This will help them stay in the coolest area of the cooler. Ensure that the popsicles are fully surrounded by ice, with the ice extending over the edges and covering the entire surface. This will chill the popsicles evenly and thoroughly.

5.4. What is the maximum amount of time that ice cream can remain frozen in a cooler that contains dry ice?

Dry ice can keep ice cream frozen for 18-24 hours inside a cooler, but this may change depending on how often you open and close the cooler.

The key to keeping ice cream frozen in a cooler with dry ice is making sure the dry ice does not evaporate or sublime too quickly. If there are any gaps in the cooler or the dry ice comes into contact with liquid, the ice cream may melt faster.

If you are storing multiple items in your cooler, such as several quarts of ice cream, it is best to add extra insulation between them so that each item stays cold for longer.

It is also important to wear protective gloves when handling dry ice and always keep it away from children.

5.5. How do you travel with ice cream?

Remember to pack your ice cream in a cooler carefully if you want to bring ice cream on your trip.

After putting the ice cream in the cooler, the cooler should be kept in a shaded and cool area as much as possible. It may seem difficult to find shade at a sunny beach, but it’s important to try.

Here are some useful tips for you:

  • If you have a car, keep the cooler in the trunk. If you don’t have a trunk, place the cooler out of direct sunlight on a seat.
  • On a beach or camping trip, dig a hole in the sand or dirt and put the cooler inside. This will help lower the temperature by several degrees.
  • Always try to cover the cooler with a large beach umbrella to keep it shaded.

5.6. Where can I buy dry ice?

Dry ice can be purchased at many grocery stores, convenience stores, and online. Additionally, there are several specialized dry ice suppliers that sell it in various quantities.

When purchasing dry ice, make sure to ask how much is included in each package and how long the dry ice will last.

Moreover, you should also ask whether they provide safety equipment and instructions for handling the dry ice. It is important to wear protective gloves when handling dry ice and always keep it away from children.

5.7. Does aluminum foil keep ice from melting?

Yes, aluminum foil can be a great way to help keep ice from melting. The reflective surface of the foil slows down the melting of ice. Before adding the ice, place a sheet of aluminum foil inside the cooler. If you don’t have aluminum foil, you could use a towel or bubble wrap instead.

Also, make sure that your cooler is properly sealed with a tight-fitting lid so that no additional heat can get in. This will help keep the temperature inside your cooler cold and prevent your ice from melting faster.

5.8. Which option keeps ice from melting longer, placing it in water or a cooler?

A cooler will keep ice from melting longer than placing it in water. When placed in a well-insulated cooler, the temperature of the ice stays cold and constant for a much longer time. This is because most coolers are designed to trap air within them so that no additional heat can enter or escape.

The water may be colder initially, but it has a much higher heat capacity and will quickly absorb the additional heat from its surroundings. The insulation of the cooler prevents this from happening, allowing your ice to stay colder for longer.

5.9. Will ice cream in a cooler stay frozen?

Ice cream can stay frozen in smaller, tightly-sealed coolers for up to three days while staying frozen in bigger, well-insulated coolers for up to five days. Ice cream’s shelf life is influenced by its composition as well as the cooler’s dimensions and insulation.

5.10. Do you fill the cooler’s top or bottom with ice?

Blocking ice in the bottom of your cooler should be the first layer you put on. Then add any frozen items and items that require extreme cold storage, such as raw meat. Ice cubes should now be poured over everything, being sure to cram them into any cracks and crevices. You want to occupy as little space as possible.

5.11. How can I improve the effectiveness of my cooler?

The closest window is the ideal location for your air cooler. When the air is hotter, it evaporates more quickly and the fan blows out cooler air. To remove the humidity from the space, effective ventilation is also essential. You need to open the room’s windows in order to accomplish this.

5.12. Should you keep water in an ice-filled cooler?

The water shouldn’t be drained. The remaining ice is protected by the water.

5.13. How can I know whether my cooler is sufficiently cold?

Using an appliance thermometer eliminates any uncertainty about whether your food is safe to consume. Make sure it reads 40 °F or less before placing one in your cooler.

how-to-keep-ice-cream-frozen-in-a -cooler-like-a-pro


To wrap it up, remember that keeping your ice cream and other frozen treats icy cold is key for a successful trip. Invest in a durable cooler, and make sure to add plenty of dry ice or reusable freezer packs to reduce the time you need to keep the lid closed while accessing food items.

Make sure to always follow safety tips like wearing insulated gloves when handling dry ice and keeping it in an airtight plastic bag. Additionally, if your campsite has bear activity be wary of leaving any cooler unattended as both you and the animal can benefit from avoiding dangerous encounters.

Following these simple steps will get you out enjoying the wilderness as a savvy traveler with all your excellent snacks in tow.

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